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Why Does God Allow Suffering? - Paris France - Part 2 (Who REALLY Rules THIS World?)

The terrorist attacks of Paris are still very fresh in everyone's eye and mind. Photos of support for France's colors permeate the internet and social media pages and news stories, moments of silence are held at sporting events, France's flag is displayed at venues. And everywhere you look, the world had come together to support those victims in a time of need, as they always seem to do.

This morning, I was browsing the internet, and this caught my attention: Paris attacks become focus of 2016 race. In reading through the news report, I was troubled to see 'Man's' solution to the violence, more violence. People are fed up with violence, the taking of lives, the fear of man, and yet, has it been any other way? Down through the centuries, there has always been that fear.

Ah, the ruler of this world... who is he? As promised in part 1, the answer. The ruler of this world is, ready for it? None other than Satan, the Devil. Really, you say? Yep, I say. Grab your copy of the Bible and let me show you, or click here, I John 5:19.

Does the Bible really teach that Satan really rules this world? Read for yourself in this Bible Study Guide, What Does the Bible Really TeachCHAPTER THREE What Is God’s Purpose for the Earth? Paragraphs 11 and 12 help you find the answers for yourself in God's word, the Bible.

But don't stop there. The first part of Chapter 3 of this book explains why. And isn't that what we ALL want to know? Why?

As many of you probable realize and have seen through out the years, the governments ruling mankind are limited. Have no fear, the Bible tells of a time when Jehovah God himself will remove the governments of this world and replace it with his own. Hint: Daniel 2:44

To Finalize, the World governments want to declare war on terrorism. How's that working out so far?You know the answer to that. Because as much as the world wants rid of Terrorism, it can not be done away with by current world governments because of: 1) who really rules this world, Satan, and 2) As much as man would try to destroy Terrorism, world governments can not change a persons 'Heart Condition' and that is where IT ALL STARTS.

Good News Ahead: A New World is at Hand! (And that is what I am waiting on.) Hint: Psalms 37:10

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