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Dark Side

To my husband,

I've been missing you all day today. It was good to hear your voice. I really needed that.

You asked me how my day was. Depressed, I am. Still. There's this heaviness in my chest like something is wrong. I need to talk, vent, I don't know. Keeping silent is not an option, and I don't have anyone else to talk to. I thought about mentioning it on Face Book, but really, I am trying to keep it light and fluffy, and light and fluffy and Depressed just don't go together. Oh well...

I am feeling my Dark Side today.

The pain in my back, between my shoulder blades, and the back of my leg doesn't help either. I felt the pain all day. Didn't wanna take a pain pill. So, pain it is. I didn't want to go to the meeting tonight, but I did want to, but I didn't want to, because of the pain. So I went. Made it for a bit, then, the shooting pain in the back of my left leg just about shot me up outta the chair, so, that was it for me.

Wanted to stop at Rally's on the way home and get some big sinful burger with cheese on it, didn't. Have enough problems with my weight.

Now I am home, Depressed, wanting to vent, still in pain, and it is so stinking hot in this house. You would hate it. I wanted so bad to call you, but I knew you were asleep. Still needing to talk. Still can't. Oh well...

It doesn't help that my internet is glacier, and without it, I am bored. You know I don't watch TV. There just ain't that much on, and worth watching, so Internet is my companion, hobby, preference. But hey, if I stay up after midnight, the internet is faster, and I can feel almost happy, almost.

I am gunna attempt to get some sleep. It's almost 1 in the morning. Perhaps when I wake up, things will be peachy, yeah right. Oh well...