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What does Paradise mean to YOU?

Welcome back, my beautiful readers...

What does Paradise mean to YOU? That question means a lot of different things to different people, depending on your beliefs. Even Paradise means different things to different people. For some, they think of a heavenly hope, for others though, an earthly hope. Don't Freak out!! Don't Freak out!! The Bible does mention, in several places, of a paradise, right here on earth! Don't Freak out!! Don't Freak out!! After all, at the founding of the world, what was the assignment given to man from Jehovah God? Yep, to live on this earth, that God created, for us, to live forever on, to turn into a Paradise like that of the Garden in Eden, that God planted. And that is that 'Paradise' I think of when I asked the question: What does Paradise mean to YOU?

Now come on, I've got you picturing it in your mind right now... I know, because I am picturing it to. I see post of others on Social Media sites of that 'ideal' spot on this planet that they would like to be. Some are on a tropical beach with a hammock tied between two palm trees, the view of the ocean, or some at the lake either in a boat or a cabin beside it, in the mountains with a cabin nestled in some valley with smoke ascending the chimney, you name it, everyone has somewhere they would like to go...

Me, I am partial to the mountains, and snow... (even though I hate being cold.)
There is a beauty and cleanness that comes with fresh fallen snow. That pure, unblemished covering. It covers all that dead grass, and fallen leaves, covering over the grounds' imperfections and brightening it with a pure freshness. Makes ya wanna run out, or walk, and make a snowman, or lay down and make patterns, or get the sleds outta the shed and head for the hills. Such beauty in snow.

Our Driveway Gate
Another fun thing for this family; lock in the 4X4 and play in the snow. When we lived in Wyoming, we had lots of space to do that, not so much here in Kentucky, however, our driveway has a curve going up the hill, so leaving our property presents it's own challenges. (Got Four Wheel Drive?)

Our driveway heading
down into the valley and
up the other hill
And what makes me think there will be snow in Paradise? Glad you asked... Early on, in the Creation Account in the book of Genesis, I read this scripture, and it got me to thinking:

 Then God said: “Let there be luminaries*+ in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night,+ and they will serve as signs for seasons and for days and years.+

Me, risking frostbite and hypothermia
to bring you these beautiful snow pics
Our Yet-to-be-Split
So I was thinking,"Seasons? That means snow! Yeah... there's gunna be snow!" Well... that's what I was thinking. :-)

But don't let all this snow and talk of it fool ya, I like other seasons as well. I think, early summer is my fav.

So, again, I ask: What does Paradise mean to YOU?

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