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Nolin KWH Usage History

Papa just showed me our electric bill:


Current Month - KWH used - 1261 - Avg Temp - 26
One year ago   - KWH used - 2726 - Avg Temp - 36

That sure has been a big blessing since we removed the 'garbage' from our property, an decrease in our electric bill by half...HALF!!!

Papa is funny, he cuts out the KWH Usage History part of the bill and has them pinned to the wall next to his work station at the computer. I think it does his heart good to see the decrease in the electric bill, that we had to pay ourselves, no help from others. There towards the end, the only reason we didn't have to go the electric bill alone is because papa started making the company pay for the electric bill, then the boys got their pay checks afterwards. He did admit that it gave him some peace of mind.

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