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A new member of the family

Last Monday, while in a depression, I had stopped by Feeders Supply after work to buy some crickets for my two Tarantulas, (and I always leave my wallet in the car so I don't impulse buy anything), and what should I find, but another Tarantula, a Pink Toe. Nice price. Cheered my right up.

So I get the crickets, and the Pink Toe, and get back in my mini van to head home when I get this text from hubby: "I sure wish I had someone to have dinner with." (We were both in town.) 'Pick me...Pick me' I text back.

We meet for dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and I showed him a photo of a Pink Toe I found while doing resent Intel on my T. He looks at it and says, "What's this?" to which I reply, 'the newest member of the family.' He looks at the photo and asks, "and how much did this cost me?" I tell him, he doesn't say a word, just silently thinking, then says "Good, cuz there's this tool I wanted to buy but was holding out on spending the money, but if you're gunna get the spider, I am getting the tool." He bought the tool the next day.

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