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Does Everything Happen for a Reason? (Part 7) Did God know that Adam would sin?

Welcome back, welcome back, my beautiful readers.

OOOMMMGOODNESS! June is almost over, well, getting down there towards the end. I hope you are having a great summer. I we have been busy busy busy here. Busy, and getting a whole lot of nothing done, so it seems. Ha.


Definition: An inevitable and often adverse outcome. Fatalism is the belief that all events are determined by the divine will or by some force greater than man, that every event must take place as it does because it has been predetermined. 
Not a Bible word or teaching

I am so glad that upon reasoning from the scriptures, it is possible to answer the question: When God created Adam, did he know that Adam would sin? After asking myself that question about Adam, I found that a feeling of unfairness set over me, unfair that we were 'possibly' doomed from the start.   How about you? What do you think? When God created Adam, did he know that Adam would sin? I would genuinely like to know what you think.

OK, from the Scriptures, here is what God set before Adam and Eve: 28  Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth+ and subdue it,+ and have in subjection+ the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.”  (Genesis 1:28) We have probably all heard this scripture many times. It is a well used and familiar one. Growing up, I remember hearing it often. Here's another thing that God set before Adam and Eve: 16  Jehovah God also gave this command to the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction.+ 17  But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die.”+Genesis 2:16, 17.

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Here's the question I put to you... Would you encourage your children to undertake a project with a marvelous future, knowing... knowing from the start, that it was doomed to failure? Would you? Would you warn them of harm, while knowing that you had planned everything so that they were sure to come to grief? Would you? I think you already know the answer to that, aye? Here's another question for you to think about... Is it reasonable, then, to attribute such to God? I'm just asking.

I like this scripture in Matthew 7:11 - Therefore, if you, although being wicked, [or, “bad as you are,” NE translation],  know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will your Father who is in the heavens give good things+ to those asking him!+Jehovah gives good gifts y'all... good gifts.

If God foreordained and foreknew Adam's sin and all that would result from this, it would mean that by creating Adam, God deliberately set in motion all the wickedness committed in human history. He would be the Source of all the ward, the crime, the immorality, the oppression, the lying, the hypocrisy, the disease. I don't know about you, but my God is better than that, and I hope that your God of the Bible is Too! But the Bible clearly says:

    For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness...+ Psalms 5:4.  

Yep, that's the God of love that I know.

And here's is something else to think about... How could God be the Source of all the bad on the earth, then inspire this writing? Psalms 11:5   Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one;+He* hates anyone who loves violence.+God hates anyone who loves violence, so he surly is not the Source of it! We can take that to the bank, because "God... cannot lie." (Titus 1:2He just cannot lie!

I love that I can draw comfort from the scriptures and find the God of love that I was always taught
Comfort from the Scriptures
about, but when growing up, was conflicted when God was blamed for the bad in the world. While I was not taught he was the Source, I did wonder why God was blamed! I couldn't help it. It just didn't make sense to me. I see now that the conflict lies in incorrect teachings that 'Blame' God, when clearly the scriptures say other wise.  On the contrary, "from oppression and from violence he (the One designated by God as Messianic Kingwill redeem their soul, and their blood will be precious in his eyes." ... Psalm 72:14  ...Precious... Let me say it again... Precious... That means a lot to me, I hope it does to you as well.

And as always, we have heard many many many times that  Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.+I John 4:8. He is a God of love, not one who sets us up to fail.

So again, I ask, When God created Adam, did he know that Adam would sin? Did God set him up to fail? I go back to my original statement, "Unfair that we were doomed from the start." We, as loving parents would not do that to our children, how much more so that the God of Love would not doom us from the start. Everyone wants to be treated fair, we get that from our creator, in who's image we were created, that sense of justice. I guess that is why this final scripture makes sense to me:


 He loves righteousness and justice.+ Psalm 33:5.
Additional information can be found here:Did God Know That Adam and Eve Would Sin?

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