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Does Everything Happen for a Reason? (Part 4) Who's Responsible, God or Humans?

Welcome back once again, my beautiful readers. I hope that the first of June is treating you well. It's getting warm here in Kentucky. 


Definition: An inevitable and often adverse outcome. Fatalism is the belief that all events are determined by the divine will or by some force greater than man, that every event must take place as it does because it has been predetermined. 
Not a Bible word or teaching.

Do humans bear responsibility for much of the hardship suffered by themselves and others of humankind? What do you think? Who's responsible, God or Humans? 

Here lately, for me, as I watch the news on a daily basis, (I didn't use to, way to depressing) and I see the number of bad, depressing things, (yes, the news is still way to depressing to me) I really am overwhelmed. I am just thankful that I have seen anyone on the news 'Blame God' lately, but no doubt, it's coming. I get so furious when I hear things like 'everything happens for a reason,' or 'it was God's will' or 'God needed to punish...' Really?!?!?! That doesn't sound like a God of love. And as you have read in my previous Blogs, God is not wicked, he is a God of love, and hard as it might be to imagine, "... God is a God not of disorder but of peace..." 1 Corinthians 14:33

Adam and Eve removed from Eden
So, again, I ask, Who bears the responsibility for much of the hardship suffered, God or Humans. Well, the Bible has something interesting to say about us humans. Let's start at the beginning, shall we? Romans 5:12: “Through one man [Adam] sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.”  What does that mean for us? It means that imperfections, including inclinations toward wrongdoing, are inherited, yes, inherited from Adam BY ALL OF US. 

From there, it just gets worse... Ecclesiastes 8:9: “Man has dominated man to his injury.” I know you all can agree with the wise King Solomon on this one. I imagine some images just ran through you mind in a type of mini horror story, I know they did for me. Please don't make me list them, I don't wanna depress any one more than I probably already have. Thanks.
(The following is supplementary information: Why Does God Allow the Strong to Oppress the Weak?)

Like Father like Son
And have you ever heard this one? "He's the spitting image of his dad," or "she gets that from her mother," (I tell my daughter that one all the time.) Well it's true, children imitate their parents. Children learn from their parents. In the end, most Children act just like their parents. Proverbs 13:1: A son is wise where there is a father’s discipline. In the end, what parents do has a great influence on the lives of their offspring.

"Well, he had that coming!" How many times have we heard that right after someone pays the consequence for something bad they have done. It's not a new expression. Or, "He's gunna pay for that!" Or if you're more religiously inclined, "You reap what you so." Admittedly, I heard that a lot growing up, from my Dad, but truth is, I didn't really understand what it meant, it was always quoted at me, never explained to me. (I get it now, but I don't want to get off topic.) I think, perhaps, my dad got the expression from this scripture: Galations 6:7: “Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.” (Also Proverbs 11:17; 23:29, 30; 29:15; 1 Corinthians 6:18)

As you have seen from these scriptures, Jehovah God is not the one to blame. Sadly, humans bear the responsibility for a lot of the bad, the hardship, that is going on in this world today. (Insert sad sad face right here. IJS...)

However, at this point, I would like to ask you this: Do you think man is to blame for ALL the bad, wickedness in this world? Your thoughts please

Are there superhuman forces that also cause woe to mankind? What do you think about that question? Now that I've asked the question, are you wondering if the Bible has something to say about it? Well, guess what? Glad you asked... Let us look into that in Part 5. Stay tuned... 

Additional Bible information can be learned here:

What Can the Bible Teach Us?

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