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THE WATCHTOWER NO. 2 2016 from

Welcome once again, my beautiful readers...

With the new month comes fresh reading material, from the site. I have already enjoyed the reading of the cover article. It is, of course, greatly timed, as the Memorial of Christ's Death approaches.

 COVER SUBJECT | WHY DID JESUS SUFFER AND DIE?  Did It Really Happen?  Answers on this question can be found in Jehovah God's word, the Bible.

Why Did Jesus Suffer and Die?

And here is an interesting question:

Should Christians Worship at Shrines?

Do you agree with this statement?

Heeding Advance Warning Can Save Your Life!

Now this was quite informative for me:

Chapters and Verses—Who Put Them in the Bible?

And last:

What Does the Bible Say? Who or what is the Devil?

I welcome all feedback. Let me know which article or articles you enjoyed. And as always, please feel free to share this post. Thanks, and have a beautiful day, yucky weather aside. I... J... S...

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