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Should bad people be tormented forever in hellfire?

Should bad people be tormented
 forever in hellfire?
Welcome back, and you know who you are, you're my beautiful readers!

I am happy to be alive. Hope you are too.

Hey, the other day, April 19th, to be exact, I was involved in my morning routine, coffee, banana, daily text, and the daily text taken from Acts really got me ta thinking, (if you know me, that can be a dangerous thing ;-)) 'How do people feel about hell?' I know how I USE to feel about it when I was younger, a teenager, and how I felt about God because of what my dad had taught me. So it got me to thinking, really, How do people feel about hell? HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT HELL? Should bad people be tormented forever in hellfire?
Tormented forever in hellfire?
Would a loving God do that?

As many of your probably know from my previous blogs, the subject of Hellfire didn't set well with me as a teenager. Coming from a religious background, being brought up in the Pentecostal faith, by my father who a preacher and missionary (his words) the subject of Hellfire was mentioned often, and I do mean OFTEN! My dad would preach about a God of love, then tell us that if we didn't behave were gunna go to hell! Confused I was. I had a hard time reconciling a God of love with everlasting Hellfire punishment! Because of that teaching, I hated God, oh yes, HATED, and turned my back on him as an early teenager. Later though, my thinking changed, my knowledge from the Bible changed, and in the end, from the pages of the Bible, I found the God Of Love that my dad taught about and that I was looking for. The TRUTH really did set me free. Free from hating God.

The penalty for sin is death.
Should bad people be tormented forever in hellfire? 

  • First, you can be assured that the wicked will be punished. (2 Thess. 1:9) Plain and simple. Do bad, get punished.
  • Second, does anyone know what the penalty for sin is? Let go to the Bible to find the answer to that. Let's read Genesis 2:16, 17.  16 Jehovah God also gave this command to the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction.+  17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die.”+  So did you notice what the penalty for sin is? Yes, death
  • Third, if we go all the way back to the beginning, because of his sin, Adam caused the entire human race to be born as sinners. (Rom. 5:1212 That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin,+ and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned+—. Yep, it's Adam's fault! "Thank a lot, Adam! NOT!" (sarcasm, but I feel I'm allowed.)  
  • Fourth, because Adam sinned and disobeyed Jehovah concerning 'the tree,' a sentence was
    pronounced on Adam and Eve. Lets's read about it at
     Genesis 3:19. 19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread* until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken.+ For dust you are and to dust you will return.”+ So there is the pronouncement, but did you notice what wasn't mentioned? NOTHING was said about hellfire! NOTHING! Instead, Adam was told that he would return to the dust.
  • Finally“Would it have been fair to tell Adam that he would go back to the ground if he was really going to a fiery hell?” 

I wanted to share with you some excellent information about what happens to us when we die from this book: 

Where Do We Go When We Die?

This chapter was an eye opener for me, and this study guide helped me find, from the pages of my own Bible, the truth. It is a good read! It helped me to find the truth, and I wanted to share that with my dear readers. I am hoping that you can draw some comfort from this just as I did.

Want to learn more? You can request, at a time and place convenient for you, a free bible discussion.

Plus: Why Study the Bible? video

The following is supplemental information:

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