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From new monthly reading material... Links to 6 different articles

Guess what, my beautiful readers... It is a new month. And of course, from, there is new reading material for the month. I have already read the first article on Attitude. And I agree, attitude really does make a difference. Take as an example, for me personally, if I am at a local business, and the workers or the proprietor are not pleasant, I will turn and walk out. My thinking "They must not want my business that bad." And really, I am getting to old to be putting up with a lot of nonsense... IJS!!!

AWAKE! NO. 1 2016

Attitude Makes a Difference!

Positive thinking might help you more than you realize.

A man in a wheelchair gives his wife a flower

Attitude Makes a Difference!

Can the Bible’s wisdom help you to be happier?
Two of Jehovah’s Witnesses use a mobile display cart in the public ministry

What Do You Know About Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Check the facts with this eight-question self-test.
Two young men speak with one another

How to Make Real Friends

Four tips can help you to move from shallow relationships to deep friendships.
A covered bridge over a river in Liechtenstein

A Visit to Liechtenstein

What attracts tourists to this micro-state year-round?
An artist’s conception of a heavenly scene with two angels standing at a gate


Do all good people go to heaven when they die?
A cuttlefish

The Color-Changing Ability of the Cuttlefish

Engineers are trying to mimic this ability by creating clothing that would change color in a fraction of a second.

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