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Everybody needs encouragement... Everybody

After hitting rock bottom last week, I was in need of encouragement and it was provided for me, by Jehovah God, at the Sunday meeting, at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's witnesses. We were helped to see, that no matter our circumstances, Jehovah values us, he values our service, he values our love. Yet, we can become discouraged over our trials and tribulations that weigh us down. Sometimes, it's hard to get back up. That is why I love the constant reminders from Jehovah that we are loved and that we should not give up.

This blog, my dear readers, is especially for my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, but I hope that ALL will be encouraged by it.

JEHOVAH wants us to be happy, that is evident in that he gives us so many blessings that should bring us happiness, like life, his love for us, and help to keep us going in our service to him. We have the spiritual paradise which includes true peace and unity, a loving brotherhood, and regular reminders of Jehovah's love for us. Plus, we have a precious hope for the future. Yet, even though we have these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel that Jehovah does not value them or their service to him. Those who have constant negative feelings may think that the idea of enjoying "many years" is just a dream. Life may feel like one dark day after another.

Such negative feelings may be caused by disappointments, illness, or getting older. (All of the above for me.) We also know that our heart is "treacherous" and it can make us feel guilty even when God may be pleased with us. (Bummer.) The Devil spreads lies about God's servants. Satan moved Eliphaz to say that we are worthless to God. That was a lie in Job's day, and it still is today. Job 4:18, 19.

Jehovah assures us, from the Scriptures, that he will be with those who struggle with negative thoughts. One way that he is with us is by means of his Word. The Bible is 'powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things." This means that it can change wrong or negative ideas about ourselves. (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5) So let us discuss how we can use the Bible to help us develop and maintain a positive viewpoint. You may personally benefit from this and also find ways to encourage others. (I know I have.)
The Bible is powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things.
Take this article, for instance: How to Maintain a Positive Viewpoint. It helps us with the following: 


  • What can make it difficult to keep a positive viewpoint?
  • How can we use the Bible to keep a positive viewpoint?
  • How can the examples of the poor widow, Elijah, and the writer of Psalm 102 help us to develop a positive viewpoint?
Of course, the story that always touches my heart deeply is that of the poor widow (Read Luke 21:1-4.)  At the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus watched a poor widow. Her example can help us to maintain a positive viewpoint even if we cannot do everything that we would like to do. Think about her circumstances. First of all, she had to endure the pain of loosing her husband. (And while I have not experienced that personally, I have many friends who have lost a marriage mate, and I see some of the pain they go through.) At the same time, the religious leaders were greedy and stole... yes, STOLE from widows like her, instead of helping them.  (Luke 20:47 She was so poor that the best contribution she could give to the temple was the same as what a worker could earn in just a few minutes.

Imagine, if you will, how the widow might have felt as she entered the temple courtyard holding only two small coins. Would she be thinking about how small her contribution was compared with what she would have given when her husband was alive? When she saw the large donations of others, would she be embarrassed and feel that her contribution was worthless? Even if she had such feelings, she still gave what she had in order to support true worship.

Soo... How did Jesus show that the widow was VALUABLE to God? Jesus said that the widow and her contribution were valuable to Jehovah. He said that she gave more... yes MORE... than all the rich people gave. Here contribution would be mixed in with what others gave, but Jesus especially appreciated her gift to Jehovah. Those who counted the temple contributions would never know how 'important those two small coins were to Jehovah' or 'how precious the widow was to him.' Still, God's opinion was, and is, the one that really mattered, not what other people thought or even how the widow felt about herself.

What can you learn from the account of the widow? What have I learned? Your circumstances may affect what you can give to Jehovah. Because of age (me) or health problems (me), some are not able to spend as much time preaching as they would like. Should they feel that their field service time is not worth reporting? Even if you are younger or have good health, you might feel that your efforts are only a small part of the many hours that God's people spend in worshipping him. The story of the poor widow teaches us that Jehovah notices and treasures every...little...thing we do for him, especially with our circumstances are difficult. Think about your worship to Jehovah during the past year. Did one of the hours you spent serving Jehovah require you to make a great sacrifice? If so, you can be sure that he values what you did for him during that hour. And that, my dear readers, is such an encouragement to me... I hope it is to you as well.

You and I can both use the experience of the 'poor widow' to develop a positive attitude.

  • First, think of the ways Jehovah has supported you. Has an elder or another mature Christian given you help at the right time? (Galatians 6:2) Have the Bible, our Christian publications, and the meetings helped you to feel that Jehovah cares about you? (That's a big YES from me!) The next time you are helped in one of these ways, think about where this help really comes from, and remember to thank Jehovah in prayer. Psalm 121:1, 2.
  • Second, remember that a negative viewpoint can mislead us. God's opinion of us is what REALLY maters. (Read Romans 14:4.) Jehovah values our devotion and our faithfulness to him. Our value to Jehovah does not depend on how much we do for him. It could be that, like the poor widow, you have done more for Jehovah than you realize. You have probably helped others in the congregation without knowing it. And people in the territory may have heard the truth because of your (or my) hard work.
  • Finally, think of each assignment from Jehovah as proof, yep, proof that he is pleased with you... YOU. (Jeremiah 20:11) You might be discourage if your service seems unsuccessful or if goals in your service to Jehovah seem impossible to reach. Yet, you and I still have the greatest honor that any of us can have. This is the honor to preach the good news and to be called one of Jehovah's Witnesses. So stay faithful to Jehovah. Then, as Jesus said, you will be able to "enter into the joy of your master." Matthew 25:23.

Soo if you are discouraged and this keeps you from doing as much as you want to in God's service, pray about it. Ask God to hear your prayer not only so that you will find relief from your problem, but also "so that the name of Jehovah will be declared." Psalm 102:20, 21.Yep, we can use the Bible to prove to ourselves that we are valuable to Jehovah. It is true that in Satan's world we may not be able to get rid of all negative feelings or discouragement, however, all of us can please Jehovah and have everlasting life if we faithfully endure in his service (Matthew 24:13.).... and that, my dear readers, is good enough for me. I...J...S... :-)
How to Maintain a Positive Viewpoint

The above information was taken in whole or in part by the following article: 

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