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How Jehovah Got My Attention: Part 3 (2005-2006)

Welcome back, you beautiful readers. I am glad that you are enjoying my story. I have had so many people tell me that they are enjoying it. Soooooo...

Let's do another jump in time to 2005. More contact with the Witnesses. A man comes driving out to our place, by himself, and goes a far as the road will allow. (I tell you, those people will go anywhere.) I can tell he is a Witness, so I give him a wide berth as I am walking down the old county road on our property as I head for the house. Paul stops the tractor and talks to him. I later find out that he has a daughter that would love to study with us, but I am not interested. As far as I am concerned, they are still wrong, and I am right.

By now, most of the family is living on the 80 acres that we have purchased, and I hear that my Mother-in-law is studying with the Witnesses. There is a great rift that has developed between the two of us, and I am so not interested in what she is doing. I am happy in my own world as a truck driver. The rift gets bigger and bigger until I don't even want to come home anymore. So I decide that Mom-in-law has to go. She moves into E-town...I am happy.

'Crankie' June, 2005
Then in Early 2006, more contact with the Witnesses. Paul and his cousin are working on our Semi (Crankie) that we own and that I drive. From the Shop, I see a strange car pull into the driveway, and as the boys are covered with grease, I go down to see who it is. As soon as the man gets out of the car, I know that he is a Witness...GREAT...I so did not have time to talk to him, nor was I interested in what he had to say. But I did not want to be rude, so I talked. Of course, I am trying to act like I know some things about the Bible, so I mentioned the Earth being destroyed by fire, and he calmly reasons with me why that can not happen. What am I gunna say? What he says makes sense, and I don't know enough of my own Bible to prove him wrong. That in itself angered me, so I knew that I needed to 'Find My Bible.' Before he left, he gave me the January 2006 Awake! (which, BTW, I still have) with his name and number on the back. Of course, I had no intentions of looking at the magazine or calling him, but I took the magazine so that he would leave, but I did want to start reading my bible again.

About a month later, probably less, January 2006, Paul, my daughter and Son and myself are getting ready to walk out the door (going away dinner for my son at Red Lobster) when who does my son invite into the house, that same Witness that was out about a month ago. This time he has his wife with him. Bad timing, but she leaves us the Watchtower magazine with their name and number on the front. She briefly points to something inside the magazine that I might look at later. I take the magazine so that they will leave. Once again, I have no intentions of looking at the magazine or calling them. But again, I knew that I needed to 'Find my Bible' and get to reading it.

Paul & Deb, April 12, 2006
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Elizabethtown, Ky
All this time, my Mother-in-law is still studying with the
Witnesses. She invited Paul to the Memorial of Christ, and he agrees to go. I know that he will not want to be around all those people without me, so I agree to go with him. After all, it is no big deal to me. After the memorial is over, Paul mentions to me that the Witnesses are getting ready to study a new book as a congregation. I am not really that interested, but to make conversation I ask him what the book is. He says: “I don't know, it's something like: 'What does the Bible really say' or 'What does the Bible really teach?'”.......And just like that, I snapped upright and said, “I want that book!”
April 12, 2006
Paul, Bekah, Deb

At this point, I still can't find my Bible, but it does not seem to matter any more, so I ask Paul if his mom can get me both a Bible and the 'New book.' I knew enough from my studies over the years to learn that 'my' Bible and 'Their Bible' were the same, just worded differently.

There is more to come in part 4. Stay with me, my beautiful readers. And as always, I welcome your input, and please, share this with others. 


Unknown said...

I remember coming out with Shirley on a return on you lol. Couple times we didn't find you home and then one day we did. It was a nice convo :)

just4deb said...

Kitty Williams, I'm glad you enjoyed the visit. It's quiet an experience for people to visit us in the country. Those are the kind of experiences that always made a very good impression on me.