Hey my beautiful readers, it is good to see you again. Thanks for joining me. Welcome back.
Definition: An inevitable and often adverse outcome. Fatalism is the belief that all events are determined by the divine will or by some force greater than man, that every event must take place as it does because it has been predetermined.
Not a Bible word or teaching.
Is everything that happens “the will of God”?
I put the question to you, what do you think? Is EVERYTHING that happens "the will of God"? What have you been taught by your religious leaders? Better yet, what do you know the Bible to say on the matter. I have some words taken from the Bible to help us answer that question together. Please, I have three scriptures to share with you today.
The first: 2 Peter 3:9 - "Jehovah ... is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance." I love this scripture because it shows us what kind of God Jehovah is, a patient God. Yet, if you look around the world today, you can clearly see for yourself that NOT ALL respond to his patience. Clearly, it is not "the will of God" when some FAIL to repent. But what does the word 'Repent' mean? Glad you asked. Here is the definition: repent, from Wikipedia. "This typically includes an admission of guilt, a promise or resolve not to repeat the offense; an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong where possible." As you have just read, more than feeling sorry for wrong actions is needed, "a promise or resolve not to repeat the offense" is part of repentance. Sadly, as in Bible times, people today lack that "promise or resolve not to repeat the offense." If you would be so kind as to read Revelation 9:20-21, is clearly states the bad ways of people.
When you think back on God's people, the Israelites, what was the one, consistent thing, they kept doing, and yes, it's bad; like they never seemed to learn from their mistakes? They kept LEAVING Jehovah to follow other Gods. Read with the prophet Jeremiah had to say to them: Jeremiah 7:23-26. Obviously, then... the badness taking place in Israel was not "the will of God." It wasn't back then, and it surly is not today.
That brings me to the 3rd scripture found at Mark 3:35 - What a beautiful thing, to be called a brother and sister of Christ. Yet...yet... If whatever anyone did was "the will of God," then everyone would have enjoyed the kind of relationship with Jesus that he there described. Sadly though, he said OF SOME: "You are from your father the Devil." - John 8:44. And Jesus didn't mince words, he told it like it was. Can you imagine, being "from your father the Devil?" That's a heavy statement right there!
I put the question to you, again: what do you think? Is EVERYTHING that happens "the will of God"? What have you been taught by your religious leaders? Better yet, what do you know the Bible to say on the matter?
The next question that seems fitting to ask is:
What accounts for many
seemingly unexplainable things
that occur?
Stay tuned
What Does the Bible Really Teach?
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