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What makes YOU go "EEEWWW!!!" I've got 5

Welcome back, you Beautiful readers...

No really, guys... what makes you go "EEEWWW!!!" Ya know, that thing that grosses ya out, that image that makes ya cringe, that sound that gives ya the 'willies' Admit it, yer probably "EEEWWW!!!" right now.

So... like... yeah!!! Things that make me go "EEEWWW!!!"

Kissing Scenes on TV. That is a very private, personal, intimate activity, and it should not be shared. It should not be put on display for all to see. It doesn't belong on TV, in the Movies, and it certainly doesn't belong in an action movie. EEEWWW!!! I...J...S...

Ultrasound images. Kid ja not. Right now, as I type this, I kid you not, WAVE 3 news is gunna have a story on about 'an 'Ultrasound photo' that has one family clinging to hope, literally.' (Can't look, Can't look.) Listening though. (Can't look, Can't look.) About twins. (Can't look, Can't look.)  One has a Hole in the heart. (Can't look, Can't look.) Infants in the womb clinging to each other. Can't look, Can't look. Back here in my life, True story, when my daughter invited me to accompany her on one of her prenatal visits. I was hesitant, but wanted to be supportive, so I agreed to go. During the ultrasound, the baby, Aba, turned her head and, I swear, looked right at me. You couldn't get me out of that room fast enough. EEEWWW!!! I...J...S...   

Grasshoppers. Oh yeah, me, Tarantula owner and Spider protector extraordinaire! True story, one day, hubby and I were having a bit of a disagreement, a kinda domestic dispute, he comes walking into the house with a plastic back with 6 grass hoppers in it, and says "dinner" and there is one for each of my Tarantulas. FORGIVEN. That's one way to get on my good side. There is something about the feel of a grasshoppers' little feet on my skin that just makes me go EEEWWW!!! I...J...S...

Soggy or melted ice cream. Ice cream should be so hard that ya need a hammer and chisel to get it out of the container, or one of those hard metal spoons to scoop it out with. There is something about the texture of soft ice cream hitting my pallet that is like EEEWWW!!! I...J...S... And melted ice cream, watch out I don't spew. EEEWWW!!! I...J...S...   

Cleaning up doggie upchuck.  That will literally make me spew. A frequent problem for me as I have 6 inside kids. So, how do I clean it up you ask? Well... I take a ton of paper towels, put it on the upchuck, tap it down lightly with my foot, leave it for an hour or two, (hey, it takes a while for the paper towels to absorb) then grab the corner of the paper towels that is clean, pick it up, hold at arms length, and escort it to the trash. 

Now it's your turn... what makes you go EEEWWW!!!

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