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Why Be Honest? - THE WATCHTOWER NO. 1 2016

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"Most people lie at least once during a ten minute conversation. Why bother trying to be different?" 

The above statement struck me somehow as, WHAT? REALLY? Then, when I read it again, I'm like, yeah, probably. Sad, don't you think? Picture it, you are having a conversation with someone, and, really? they will lie at least once during ten minutes of conversation! I don't know about you, but I do not like being lied to. It just doesn't sit well with me. It's like a trust is broken. To me, just the fact that I have taken time out of my schedule to talk with someone means I really want to hear what they have to say, and then, if they lie, it's like, "Why did I bother to listen." I...J...S...

I bring all this up because of my recent read of the Watchtower No. 1 2016 magazine. Just the first article alone had me sharing aloud with my husband, as we shared time together after our public Bible Ministry at Ghatti's having lunch, the situation of a man named Hitoshi who worked in the accounting office of an employment agency in Japan, and while reviewing a financial account with his superior, Hitoshi was told that he was 'expected' to make a falsified report... Well, I just flipped my lid. "Really?" I thought, then voiced, "You want your employs to cheat and lie? Really?" As a business owner with my own employee's, I can assure you that I do not tolerate dishonesty, and I am grateful that I have good people who work for us, my husband and I. And as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, we strive hard to be honest in all things, even when it's not popular, as you will find out from Hitoshi's story when he is at a Job interview...

The magazine also discusses:

An employer shakes his finger at an employee

Is Honesty Outdated?

Hitoshi’s experience could make it appear to be that way.
Two women talk to each other

How Dishonesty Affects You

Get the truth about lies.
A man returns a wallet to its owner

Why It Pays to Be Honest

First-person accounts demonstrate the value of honesty.
Barbara and Alain Broggio

Give Me Just One Year of Peace and Happiness

Alain Broggio was deeply moved by the Bible passage at 1 John 1:9.
Jewish chief priests

Did You Know?

In Bible times, how were scrolls made, and how were they used? Who may have been the “chief priests” who were mentioned in the Christian Greek Scriptures?
A father holds his little girl

How to Overcome Feelings of Insecurity

Three steps can help you to feel more secure.
A woman looks anxiously at a receipt

Do Not Be Anxious

Jesus not only said to stop being anxious, he also explained how to do it.
A red rose on top of a tombstone

What Does the Bible Say?

Can the dead live again?

Please enjoy the above articles. I always enjoy sharing with my beautiful readers the treasures and jewels found within the pages of God's word, the Bible.

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