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Black Friday is almost here

Well... Papa did the research, checked the adds, and has our shopping day planned. I have been wanting a flat screen TV for the bedroom... a shop vac for the mess around the wood stove... a WiFi printer for my laptop... and I think he wants TOOLS!!!

I do work at Weight Watchers in the morning, so I can't pull an all nighter... but at 6 pm I need to be at Walmart for my TV, printer, and shop vac.

Today and tomorrow are all that is left of the deadline to remove that ratty old falling apart deck from our property. Papa got a text last night from the dude that is supposed to come get it asking permission to get it today. So last night papa tells dude to be here early in the morning while the ground is still frozen. Well... dude is still a no show... and now it is time to get on with the rest of our day. OH WELL...

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