NO. 1 2016
How to Make Real Friends
Welcome back, my
beautiful readers. Again, thank you for allowing me to share with you
my personal thoughts.
I am a lousy friend, and I say that because,
after listening to this article, I found myself lacking. While
following along, I looked deep inside myself, and yes, I found myself
lacking, as a friend. Let me explain...
Technology can make our friendships seem 'closer than they really are.' Admittedly, I find
this happening with me. I will text some of my friends, a 'thinking
of you' text, and some don't text me back. Now I understand that life
makes us busy, and I try not to get upset with I don't receive a text
in return. However, when I don't get a text back, I feel like I have
just burdened my friends by taking up their time with my texts. But
never do I feel that we are 'not' friends, but, we ain't close,
apparently. I guess, face-to-face is better for them.
I really felt that
texting and social media was enough. After all, texting and social media avenues help me to keep in touch with people and keeping in touch helps strengthen the friendships. Yes, it helps me to keep in
touch, but, is it just building bridges to others without drawing me
any closer to them??? PROBABLY!!! Offline relationship, that is where
I am lacking... a lot. Oh, I will go to get togethers, especially
ones within the congregation... after all, Jehovah's Witnesses are
the 'meetinest... eatinest' bunch of people I've ever met, and I do
enjoy the association and spending time with my friends... IJS...
but, again, a face-to-face is SO HARD for me.
It's time to Define real friendship. The Bible describes a friend this way, as someone who "sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24) A friend that
'sticks closer than a brother.' I truly feel that I have those types
of friends. And I would like to think that others think I am that
way, I know I feel that I am the type of friend that will stick ta ya
like glue... So... WHAT CAN I DO? To be a better friend? I will have
to give this some deep thought. The article suggests writing down 3 qualities that I would want a friend to have, and 3 qualities that I would like to bring to the friendship. I
love 'loyalty' most of all. I am loyal, and I want my friends to be
loyal. - —Bible principle: Philippians 2:4.
Now, this next one on the list is a toughie for me... Get out and meet people...
I am so not into face-to-face... I...J...S...!!! And, admittedly,
there is nothing quite the same as face-to-face. Nothing like eye
contact to make me nervous, never mind those subtle nuances of voice tone, the facial expressions, and oh yes, body language. And when I am feeling down, the last
thing I can bear is the sound of a voice, from someone caring, to
break down my wall and cause my emotions to bubble to the surface,
overflow, and cause me to start crying....I HATE CRYING!!! It is a
lack of control to me, and I HATE being out of control, or not having
control. I.E. the reason I don't answer the phone. (Yep, I've got
issues.) Still, to be a good friend, I must TRY to better...—Bible principle: 1 Thessalonians 2:17.
The bottom line....
I need to work on more face-to-face... but I don't wannew... but I
need to... Real friendships requires that you and your friends, my friends and I, display love, empathy, patience and forgiveness, (qualities hard to display when the only time you talk with your friends is online) not just keeping in touch.
- —Proverbs 13:20 “The one walking with the wise will become wise.
- —1 Thessalonians 2:17 “We made every effort to see you in person.”
On a side note, my life in public schools 'taught' me to reject friendships. It was hard going for me. So when I came into Jehovah's organization and witnesses true friendship, it helped me to drop the guard I had put up around my heart and seek out friendship. Still, I don't have anyone 'real' close. The closest was my spiritual mother, and when she died, I never allowed myself to get 'real' close with anyone else, but I mean 'real' close... I...J...S...
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