My Favorites

Sometimes you need a... other times, a nudge in the...

Welcome back!
Hello my dear readers, I am glad you could join me.

I have been gone for far to long... again! I really miss writing, and as my fingers tap away at the keyboard, I ask myself why I have been gone for so long. Oh, I have many reasons, some good, some bad, but in the end, I have the encouragement of a recent friend (I'll explain that in a minute) that brought me back to my dear friend 'my laptop,' my sometimes complicated thoughts rolling around inside my head, and you, my dear readers. Welcome back!

I first started to drift away because a follower of this blog was giving me grief and I just didn't wanna mess with it anymore. Have you ever just felt so hassled that you felt it was just easy to walk away? Well, that was me. I guess sometimes I let others bother me to much. I need nerves of steel.

Another thing that kept me from my keyboard was the emotional baggage that comes with trying to deal with the troubles that certain family members are going through. Anyone every felt helpless? Yeah, well, for the last year, I have had family dealing with problems that can be so overwhelming, and while they are still dealing with them, I have to say, they are learning to keep a good attitude about it, and if I didn't know any better, they are learning to rely on Jehovah, the God of Comfort, (2 Cor. 1:3) to help them get through it. Actually, Jehovah has been helping me get through it too.

 Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,+ 
the Father of tender mercies+ and the God of all comfort,+

Then there was my laptop! Yep, my main writing tool. She's old, and starting to wear down. And a while back, the internal WIFI thingie (yep, I think that's the technical term) quit working and I could no longer get online to do my work. Like, how frustrating is that? Of course, there is the 'old fashioned' way, a cord, and so Papa got me a 50' cord to plug in for Internet. I would get the cord out, put the cord up, get the cord out, put the... well, you get the picture. However, for those of you who know me well, that was way to much fuss, so there sat my laptop, collecting dust. "Well why didn't you say so?" asks Papa when I told him the cord was "just to much trouble" and he goes to Best Buy (my favorite electronic store!) and gets me a WIFI thingie that plugs into the USB slot. Sorry to say, that lasted less time then the cord, looonnnggg story. (I am HIGH maintenance!) So I was less interested in blogging.

Photo Credit: skeeze via: Pixabay
Of course, Papa wanted us to have new tables as our current ones were getting 'old and grey,' so last Black Friday, we both got new ones. LOVE MINE TO PIECES! Yet, enough time had passed by that I literally lost interest in my Laptop. (Yep, I'm like that!) So days turned into weeks, into months. Life moved on, and so did I. And while I am not sure how or when it happened, I really started to get into Instagram. I mean REALLY! getting into it. I started posting more pics there, and started getting more followers, and started looking at their posts, and following them, and just enjoying to pieces the fantastic artists that are out there, especially those pix of the Milky Way!!!, and look, even Facebook was being left further and further behind. (Yep, I'm like that!) It didn't help that I couldn't find out how to post picks from my laptop to Instagram when I did turn it on, so my tablet and my phone, mostly my phone, became my main tools.

Happy I was, just Instagram-ing along, when one day, I posted a photo of an 'S Challenge' result from my daughter and I, (I'm trying not to let my bad back get me down, and trying to loose extra pounds while messing with my bad back!) when one of my IG followers (I follow them as well, awesome California pix) asked me about it. Upon explaining the 'S challenge,' they were interested in doing the it as they have the same app on their phone as well. Phone numbers were exchanged, a challenge was started, and wal-la, we are chatting and texting and encouraging each other. I was even encouraged, unbeknownst to them, not to stop at Krispy Kream, which is right across the street from Harbor Freight Tools.

This is my blog corner,
simple, but I really like it!
The next thing I know, I get a text that they enjoyed reading my blogs! "Aaawww!" I admitted not writing in a while, and I was asked why, and I gave the above mentioned reasons. Then... then, it was suggested I make myself a 'blog corner.' I immediately knew what that meant as we had been exchanging text photos of our little comfort spots in the house. Sooo, I put my mind to making some changes.

Yep, I started working on a 'blog corner' where I can just leave my laptop hooked to the cable for internet, have my fur-babies around me, (yes, they are curled up beside me as I type) and just blog away... which leads us to where we are 'right here, right now!' And to be clear, the 'kids' have taught me that no matter what I am doing in this house, seated or otherwise, I had best make sure there is a spot for them.
I have an awesome view
 of the front yard.

I guess the point I've learned from all of this, it is that when I start handing out excuses why I can't, someone comes along and without even realizing it, well... encourages. Never underestimate the power of a well worded suggestion. BAMM... And as I like to say when posting pix of a recent activity accomplishment:
  #noexcuses #giterdun

That's it for now. I am gunna turn on the TV, settle into the recliner, and watch: RTM (Right This Minute) followed up by 'people doing people wrong' i.e. Crime Watch Daily, then the local news. Since this is Tuesday, we also have our Christian Meeting tonight at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses.

I hope this blog made you smile, made you examine your reasons to either 'do or not to do' and made you realize just how nuts I am. Have a great day everyone!

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