My Favorites

Jehovah's Ways: Are they beneficial? Are they truly for us? (Part 2 of 2)

Welcome back, my beautiful readers! 
I am so so so glad you wanted to keep learning!
Let's get back at it, shall we?

Don't forget...Picture yourself at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. A public discourse from the Bible is about to be given. The speaker is a traveling overseer, like those of the 1st century Christians of the Bible, like the Apostle Paul for instance.

Previously: Tragedy of this nature (the California shooting) can be avoided if humans simply force themselves to do it God's way instead of their own. And that's why our loving and wise creator has encouraged us to do it 'his way.' And to help us to do it, he's invited us to get to know him, personally, intimately, so that we can walk in his ways. Now some might say “Is that even possible? Is it possible for imperfect humans to form a relationship with a perfect God? Is that even possible?” Well, the answer to that question is YES. The question is, “How do we do it?”

and now, the conclusion...

Well, let me ask you, “How does a human form a relationship with other humans?” For example, you couples who are here today, and married, how did you form an intimate relationship with the person that would become your spouse? What did it all start with? Communication, right? Maybe long hours on the phone, talking every day, maybe into the night. The heart of a relationship is communication. So if that's true of two humans, wouldn't that also be true of our relationship with Jehovah? 

Yes, at the heart of our relationship with Jehovah God is communication. And that's why the first thing that is necessary to form a relationship with God is daily Bible reading. Now you may wonder, “What does Bible reading have to do with communication with God?” Well, the reality is, every time a human picks up the Bible and reads it, you know what they're acknowledging? That they want Jehovah God to talk to them. That they want to hear his instruction, his commands, his orders, and thus, Bible reading becomes a key element in communicating with God, allowing him to talk with us. The benefits of that can not be over stated.

For example: turn to Jesus' words, found at John 17. Notice how Jesus describes the benefits of Bible reading, and notice verse 3... According to Jesus, what is the Benefit of Bible study? Well, you may quickly answer “Everlasting life is the benefit; the blessing, of Bible study,” and you know, that is true. Everlasting life is 'a' benefit, but it's not 'the' benefit of Bible study. You know what everlasting life is? Everlasting life is the cherry on top, that's all it is. The real benefit of Bible study is what Jesus said following that, for he said that humans can 'come to know the true God.' Now just stop and think about that. Through a study of the Bible, imperfect humans can come to know Jehovah God, the sovereign of the universe, the creator, the life sustainer. Through a study of the Bible, we can know intimately, our heavenly father, and that's the real benefit of studying. But ya know, the beauty is, if we study the Bible with the purpose of coming to know Jehovah God, and we accomplish that objective, Jehovah promises to give us the 'cherry on top'. He promises us everlasting life.

So the first element of communication with God; Bible Study. What would be the second element? Prayer. Now, while Jehovah God can talk to us through a study of the Bible, the way humans talk to God is through prayer. And the reality is, Jehovah God wants to hear from us. In fact, at Psalm 62:8, Jehovah encourages us to pour our hearts out before him in prayer. Jehovah wants to hear from us. So the question is, “Are we talking to God in prayer? Are we doing it every day? Are we lingering in prayer?” If so, then those are excellent signs that our intimacy with Jehovah is increasing.

See, think about it this way, you married couples here, do you remember those late nights, talking to your future spouse on the telephone? Do you remember how difficult it was to hang up? Did you ever find yourself saying, “OK, you hang up first.” “No, you hang up first.” “On three, let's both hang up together.” See, when it's hard to stop communicating with the other person, well then, that's a good sign that intimacy is increasing. So it is with us and God. When it's hard for us to put down our Bibles, when it's hard for us to say 'Amen', when it's hard for us to stop communicating with Jehovah, that is an excellent sign that intimacy with him is increasing.

A third step in gaining intimacy with God is mentioned for us again back in the book of Psalm, this time, Psalm 105, and lets see if we can discern the 3rd way that a human can grow close to God. Verse 1... Now, according to this, what is the third way that a human can draw close to God? By telling other humans about him. Now that is really only natural when you stop and think about it.

For example, when one human falls in love with another, isn't it only natural to tell others about the person we love? Isn't it only natural to want to tell people their name, what their qualities are like, what their personality is like? Did you ever find yourself just showing people a picture of your boyfriend or girlfriend? Nobody asked, but you just wanted to show it to them. Why? Well, because you were in love with that person. So it is today, when a human falls in love with their creator, Jehovah God, it is only natural for us to want to tell people about him, what his name is, what his qualities are, what his personality is like. It's why Jehovah's Witnesses are known the world over as those who go to other peoples' homes and knock on their doors, take our Bibles, and show them little 'snapshots' of what Jehovah looks like. People don't ask us to do that, but they don't need to, because we've fallen in love with our creator and we want others to do the same. Now, that not only brings us closer to God, but it brings God closer to us, because the reality is, Jehovah knows those who are talking to others about him, and Jehovah knows those who choose not to do that. He takes that seriously.

For example... let's say you're in a close, intimate relationship with another person, however, that other person hasn't told anyone else that they are in a relationship with you. They haven't told anyone anything about you. Would that raise a few red flags? See, when we are in a relationship with someone but we won't want to talk to anyone else about them, that is a real bad sign, isn't it? So it is with our relationship with God. If a human does not want to talk to others about God, might it be that that human needs to grow in their love for Jehovah as a person?

Finally... strong faith in God, and works that evidence that faith is necessary to draw close to him. In human relationship, trust and faith is vital. Without it, and without evidencing it, relationships eventually wither and die. So it is with our relationship with Jehovah. A human must both have faith in Jehovah, but they must also evidence the faith by their works, by the way they live their life. And that's why, when we are doing what we are doing this morning, gathering here together at our congregation meetings, it is such an important thing to do. Because this is a way that we evidence that we have faith in Jehovah God. It is an important step in coming to know him.

For example... the Bible calls what you see this morning, this is the congregation, the household of God. So this, in essence, is Jehovah's family. And that is why when Jehovah God chooses to extend an invitation for us to come here to the Kingdom Hall. In essence, Jehovah is inviting us to come to meet, and come to love his family. And that is why coming to the meetings is such an important step in building a relationship with God.

See, think about it this way, imagine you're in a relationship with someone, and that person tells you that they love you, that they trust you, but they never want to meet your family. If fact, on a weekly basis, you extent an invitation 'Come on over, have a family meal with us' but they repeatedly beg off and give you one flimsy excuse after another why they can't come, eventually, what might you conclude about that person? Similarly, what might Jehovah conclude about a person who doesn't want to come here and meet, and love his family? By coming to the meetings, we not only prove our love for Jehovah, but also our love for those that he has chosen to love, the family. And that is why, if you are not regularly coming to the Kingdom Hall here, for our meetings, we warmly invite you to start attending.

If you're having challenges in studying the Bible, in praying to God, and expressing your faith to others, allow us to help you to do those things necessary to come to know God so that you can walk in his ways. Frankly, now is not the time to walk in our 'own ways' or just choose to do it like the world does it, because a person who makes that decision has just destined themselves to a miserable life, filled with unhappiness. Conversely, a person who chooses to do it 'Jehovah's way' has destined themselves to happiness, satisfaction, and success.

Oh it true, the 'my way' mentality so popular in the world today; it does make for a very very catchy song, but it also make for a very very miserable way of life. And thus, the encouragement we offer you, reject the 'my way' mentality, and choose instead to allow Jehovah God to chart your course and each step you take along the byway, so that in the finally analysis, your record my show that you hoped in Jehovah and did it 'his way.'

“You Will Be With Me in Paradise”

The Emblems
Welcome back my beautiful readers.

Today, I wanted to talk about a particular event that is very, very, very important. It is important from a Biblical standpoint. It is even something that Jesus commanded us to do. What am I talking about?

Memorial of Jesus’ Death

Every year, Jehovah's Witnesses, world wide, volunteer their time to invite all that they can to this very special Annual event. This is an invitation that is warmly extended to ALL. This is an invitation to meet with us to observe the anniversary of Jesus' death.

"You Will Be With Me in Paradise"

Just hours before he died, Jesus assured his faithful apostles that they would be with him in his heavenly Kingdom. (Luke 22:28-30) Later, he promised a condemned criminal: "You will be with me in Paradise." (Luke 23:43So, how will those words come true?

Well, my dear readers, the fulfillment of both promises is possible because Jesus surrendered his life for you, for me, for all of mankind, even for sinners like that criminal mentioned above. Jesus' sacrifice was so vital that he commanded his followers to commemorate it. Luke 22:19, 20.

This year, the anniversary of Jesus' death falls on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. And you are invited to meet with us, Jehovah's Witnesses, on that date, to observe the Memorial that Jesus instituted all those years ago. There, you will hear an explanation of how his death can benefit you and your family.

Remember Jesus’ Death 

(Video 1:42)

Earlier, I sent this invite message out electronically:

Hey my lady, something special and very important is coming up, the annual memorial of Christ' death, which will be observed around the world. I wanted to invite you and your family come to the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses to join us. Last year, over 19,000,000 attended. #memorial #christ #death #annualobservance #opentothepublic #Bible #religion

Over 19,000,000! That in it's self is quite cool, if I may say so myself. I personally have been attending the memorial of Christ's death since 2006. I have not missed one... ONE! I...J...S... And it truly is wonderful for me to arrive at the Kingdom Hall and see all the new faces who have taking advantage of the invitation to attend. I am hoping that y'all will do the same as well. Come on, ain't cha just a wee bit curious? (And, it costs nothing to attend, ever!)

The following is supplemental information. Included below are some links to the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses for your consideration. Enjoy.

How Is Jesus’ Sacrifice “a Ransom for Many”?

How does the ransom provide redemption from sin?

The Ransom—God’s Greatest Gift

What is the ransom? How can you benefit from it?

Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Observe the Lord’s Supper Differently From the Way Other Religions Do?

Also called the Last Supper or the Memorial of Christ’s Death, it is the most sacred event for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Consider what the Bible says about this occasion.
Why Study the Bible?
The Bible is providing answers to life’s big questions for millions of people around the world. Would you like to be one of them?

Jehovah's Ways: Are they beneficial? Are they truly for us? (Part 1 of 2)

Welcome back, my beautiful readers. 
It really means a lot to me that you have taken time out of your busy schedules to read what I have to say.

As mentioned earlier from my blog: How we pain the Holy One of Israel - From my personal Bible reading,  We have been given the chance to develop an intimate relationship with our creator, and here, my dear readers, is the subject of this blog: where we can learn why we should and how we can have that intimate relationship with our creator, the sovereign of the universe, Jehovah God.

Picture yourself at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. A public discourse from the Bible is about to be given. The speaker is a traveling overseer, like those of the 1st century Christians of the Bible, like the Apostle Paul for instance.

“I planed each chartered course along the byway, and much more than this, I did it my way. Let the record show, I took the blows and I did it my way.” What you just heard were the lyrics to the Frank Sinatra song entitled 'My Way.' That song, perhaps like any other, has been, in effect, the theme song for this 21st century, as it not so subtly promotes the concept of living life as we see fit, chartering our own course through life, and, yes, doing things “My Way.”

Yet, has this very popular concept made our world a better place? Has it made people happier? More content? More satisfied with life? Hardly! In fact, just the opposite. It has contributed to the downward spiral of every element of human society. It is for that very reason that thousands of years ago our wise and loving creator and life giver, Jehovah God, gave us humans this wise council. Psalm 37, and notice in just one simple statement of scripture Jehovah's direction for us as his children, verse 34. Now you notice, far from encouraging humans to chart their own course, to do things 'their way,' do you notice Jehovah's council? “do it my way, listen to me, obey me, listen to my instructions, do it 'my way.'”

Would that reflect wisdom on our part to follow Jehovah's way, instead of our own? It certainly would. And here's why it would. Isiah 55. Notice this humbling reality. verse 8. According to this, would it reflect wisdom on our part to do things Jehovah's way and not our own? It certainly would. Did you notice why that would reflect wisdom? Well, as Jehovah himself expresses here, his ways are so much higher, more elevated than our ways. Byington, translation renders this verse, saying “For sky is higher than earth by so much, are my courses are than yours.” So in effect, that distance between the earth and the heavens, that massive gap, is somewhere between the gap of our intellect and Jehovah's, between our way of doing things and Jehovah's.

Yes, Jehovah's ways are so much higher than our ways. Why is that the case? Well because Jehovah's ways, 100 % of the time, are governed by love, and other highly elevated qualities, and thus, if a human chooses to do it Jehovah's way, well, their life, their personality, their practices, will reflect those elevated qualities, and thus they will always enjoy happiness, satisfaction, and success in life.

Conversely, though, if a human choses to reject Jehovah's way in favor of doing it their own way, that person will always struggle to find happiness, success and satisfaction. Why is that the case? Well, think of the origin of the 'my way' mentality. After all, it wasn't Frank Sinatra who originated that mentality, was he? He wasn't the first one to chart his own course. To do things 'his way.' Who started that whole concept? That was Satin, the Devil. He was the first one to do things 'his own way', rejecting Jehovah's way, and thus, the world that he owns today, doesn't it reflect that same mentality? “No one's going to tell me what to do! I'm going to do things 'my way'.” Yes, the world is full of egotism and rebellion and the sad consequences of doing things their 'own way'.

For example, Do you happen to much about the personal life of Frank Sinatra? Mr Sinatra was married 4 times. And even into his old age, he was commonly know as a viratious womanizer. In fact, his fourth and final wife described her husband this way “as an entertaining drunk with ties to the mob, a man who never apologized for anything.” Yes, Mr Sinatra lived life 'his way', sure he did, but was doing it his way the 'right way'? Did it benefit him and his family? Did it make him happier? And thus it is wise for humans to reject this egotistical satanic 'my way' mentality that is so popular in the world, choosing instead, to do it Jehovah's way, the only way that leads to real happiness and success in life.

Since that's the case, perhaps we do well to ask, “well how can we learn God's ways?” It is a good question, because sometimes today, people choose to do things their own way, or to simply imitate the masses in the world because they don't know God. If you don't know God, it's hard to walk in his ways, right? So how can a human get to know Jehovah so as to follow 'his path' and 'his ways'?

Well, right now, we would like to briefly highlight 2 things that can teach humans how to walk in Jehovah's ways, 2 things that can teach us about Jehovah. The first is mentioned for us in the book of Psalms 19: 1 - 2, and let's see if we can identity the first thing that teaches us about Jehovah, 

 The heavens are declaring the glory of God;+The skies above* proclaim the work of his hands.+  Day after day their speech bubbles forth,
And night after night they reveal knowledge.

According to this, what is the first thing that teaches humans about Jehovah? Creation... physical creation. It's interesting, the Psalmist described creation around us as 'the work of Jehovah's hands.' And thus, here, Jehovah God, our creator, is betrayed here as almost like an artist, who uses his hands to create the beautiful art that we see around us in nature and creation. And thus, the art of creation, shouldn't it teach us something about the artist?

And that's how it generally works with art, for example, if a person is a student of literal art today, they can generally walk into an art museum, and tell you exactly who the artist is just by looking at the art, because in the art, they see the artist, his personalities, his qualities. Would the same thing be true of the great artist Jehovah God? In physical creation around us, can we see the work of his hands, can we see his qualities? Absolutely! In fact, we could say there's not a creative work in the universe that will not teach us something about the great artist, Jehovah God, if we will allow it to. And you know, we can prove that.

Anyone here, today, have a garden? Let's say for the sake of illustration that you have a garden, and let's say that your garden is one acre in size, do you know what that means? That means that under the soil of your garden, there will be upwards of 2,000,000,000 earth worms. Now those slimy creatures aren't just hanging out underneath the soil, but they're incessant workers. In fact, scientist tell us that those 2,000,000,000 earth worms in one years time will turn 18 tons of soil in that one acre lot. By their movements, by their rotations, they act as little rototillers, bringing about aeration and irrigation to the soil. Scientist also tell us that those little worms come to the surface and they drag organic materials underneath the soils surface, bringing about fertilization to the soil.
Those little worms literally work day and night in your garden. Question, what does that teach you about the great artist Jehovah? Now you may be thinking, that reflects Jehovah's love in helping me to enjoy the food that I enjoy eating, and you know, that is true, but think about it this way, you ladies, when you're out shopping, or watching your favorite television program, or you gentleman, when your out golfing or enjoying a vacation at the beach, who's working in your garden? Who's turning 18 tons of soil? Who's aerating, irrigating, fertilizing? The worms are. Now if those worms weren't doing that work, who would have to do it? You would. You would have to turn that 18 tons of soil. You would have to aerate, irrigate, fertilize. So Jehovah didn't just supply the worms to produce food, he provided them to work in your behalf so that you wouldn't have to work to produce the food. Doesn't even a slimy little worm teach us about Jehovah God? It certainly does!

And you know, we haven't even scratched the surface of Jehovah's handy work. We haven't even talked about the physical laws in creations. Laws such as the law of gravity. The law of electromagnetism. Laws Jehovah put into place for our life to function. Laws that become the foundations for which science relies. And yet, you want to know the irony? How does the world refer to these laws that Jehovah has put into place? What do they call them? “The laws of nature.” Now isn't that ironic? In affect, the world studies the art, they enjoy the art, they benefit from the art, and then they give credit for all of it to, to the art. Now, that's not only sad, it's inexcusable. In fact, the apostle Paul at Romans 1:20 said it's inexcusable to examine the physical art work in creation and give credit to the artist.

Yes, the book of creation can teach us a lot about Jehovah, if we allow it to. However, there is a second thing that can teach us even more about Jehovah than the physical book of creation. What book are we talking about? The book that you hold in your hands. You know, the Bible is far greater, far greater than anything else, including creation, in teaching us about Jehovah God. Now how so?

Think about it this way, if you had a great grandfather that you had never met, can you learn something about him from the home he built, that he decorated, while he was alive? Would the home teach you anything about your grandfather? Yes it would. Maybe it would teach you a little bit about his personality, the qualities, the love that he had creating and decorating the home. But what if while examining your great grandfathers home, you found his personal diary. A book, that in great detail, explained why he built the home, who the home was for, how he wanted it used. A book that explained your great grandfathers standards, personality. Would the diary teach you more about your great grandfather than just examining the house? Certainly!

So it is with this book given to us by our heavenly father. While it's true that creation, including the physical home that Jehovah gave us can teach us something about our father, nothing can teach us more than the Bible. Because only the Bible tells us why Jehovah build this earthly home, who the home was for, how he wanted it used. Only the Bible reveals Jehovah's personality and standards. Only the Bible shows us why doing things Jehovah's way is beneficial.

For example, consider Jehovah's way as it relates to just one element of human life today, and that's family life. Would you not agree, brothers and sisters and guest, that never in human history has family life become more disfunctional than it is right now? Never have we seen as much misery in marriages, skyrocketing divorce rates, children being raised by anyone or anything other than their birth parents. Never has we seen dysfunctional family life on the levels that we are seeing it right now. Why is that the case?

Well, because for the most part, humans within the family arrangement have chosen to do it 'their way' in stead of Jehovah's. But misery in a family was not Jehovah's way. He intended marriages to be strong and not be insecure. And that is why, in Ephesians chapter 5, the husbands are instructed to love their wives as their own bodies. Wives are commanded to have deep respect for their husbands. That's Jehovah's way for a marriage. At Deuteronomy chapter 6, Jehovah outlines that parents should raise their children to love and respect God because they've taught what already resides in their hearts. That's Jehovah's way for parents and children. Do you think that if married couples, parents, and children all did it Jehovah's way instead of their own, that we would see a difference in families? Would families be more happier? More secure? No question about it. But you know, that's just one very small element of human society that the Bible talks about.
Consider another, turn in your Bibles to Eph chapter 4, We are so blessed that Jehovah's word, the Bible, doesn't just outline his way for the family, but really, for every element of human life, including our interactions with one another. Jehovah's straight forward council. Here, Jehovah, in two simple scriptures, outlines his way, in connections with our interactions with other humans, weather they be in a family, in the congregation, in our workplace. For example, in Verse 31 Jehovah outlines some destructive personality traits, do you see some of them? Things like, malice, bitterness, anger, wrath, screaming, abusive speech, Jehovah says, take all of those things that destroy relationships and put them away from you, and replace them with, do you notice the qualities in verse 32? Becoming kind, tender, compassionate, freely forgiving. Now, do you think that if the world would apply just those two verses of scripture that life would improve? Would your drive into work tomorrow improve if everyone on the road would apply just these two verses of scripture? Would your workday improve? Your family life improve? How many terrible tragedies; traumatic events, could be completely eliminated, if people chose to do it Jehovah's way, as explained for us, in just these two verses.

For example: Just a few years ago out in California, there was a man who went into a store to purchase some products. This man was known as being a little of a 'hot head,' and as he was checking out, he and the clerk had a little bit of an exchange. There was some screaming, some abusive speech, and eventually, the clerk kicked the man out of the store. Standing out in the parking lot were 4 young men that heard this man loose his self control, and so they proceeded to make fun of the man. Well, that caused him to totally loose it. So, he went back to his car, got a pistol out of his car, and just started indiscriminately firing on the four young men. Three of them were able to get away safely. However, one was shot in the back, and he fell to the ground. That man, still in a rage, ran over to that young man, flipped him over, and there lying dead on the ground, was his 14 year old son. He shot his own boy! And now, he'll have to live the consequences, of bitterness, anger, abusive speech. He'll have to live with the consequences of doing it 'his way' instead of 'Jehovah's way'.

Tragedy of this nature can be avoided if humans simply force themselves to do it God's way instead of their own. And that's why our loving and wise creator has encouraged us to do it 'his way.' And to help us to do it, he's invited us to get to know him, personally, intimately, so that we can walk in his ways. Now some might say “Is that even possible? Is it possible for imperfect humans to form a relationship with a perfect God? Is that even possible?” Well, the answer to that question is YES. The question is, “How do we do it?”

That, my dear readers, will be the next topic of discussion... in part two...

Stay tuned...

What makes YOU go "EEEWWW!!!" I've got 5

Welcome back, you Beautiful readers...

No really, guys... what makes you go "EEEWWW!!!" Ya know, that thing that grosses ya out, that image that makes ya cringe, that sound that gives ya the 'willies' Admit it, yer probably "EEEWWW!!!" right now.

So... like... yeah!!! Things that make me go "EEEWWW!!!"

Kissing Scenes on TV. That is a very private, personal, intimate activity, and it should not be shared. It should not be put on display for all to see. It doesn't belong on TV, in the Movies, and it certainly doesn't belong in an action movie. EEEWWW!!! I...J...S...

Ultrasound images. Kid ja not. Right now, as I type this, I kid you not, WAVE 3 news is gunna have a story on about 'an 'Ultrasound photo' that has one family clinging to hope, literally.' (Can't look, Can't look.) Listening though. (Can't look, Can't look.) About twins. (Can't look, Can't look.)  One has a Hole in the heart. (Can't look, Can't look.) Infants in the womb clinging to each other. Can't look, Can't look. Back here in my life, True story, when my daughter invited me to accompany her on one of her prenatal visits. I was hesitant, but wanted to be supportive, so I agreed to go. During the ultrasound, the baby, Aba, turned her head and, I swear, looked right at me. You couldn't get me out of that room fast enough. EEEWWW!!! I...J...S...   

Grasshoppers. Oh yeah, me, Tarantula owner and Spider protector extraordinaire! True story, one day, hubby and I were having a bit of a disagreement, a kinda domestic dispute, he comes walking into the house with a plastic back with 6 grass hoppers in it, and says "dinner" and there is one for each of my Tarantulas. FORGIVEN. That's one way to get on my good side. There is something about the feel of a grasshoppers' little feet on my skin that just makes me go EEEWWW!!! I...J...S...

Soggy or melted ice cream. Ice cream should be so hard that ya need a hammer and chisel to get it out of the container, or one of those hard metal spoons to scoop it out with. There is something about the texture of soft ice cream hitting my pallet that is like EEEWWW!!! I...J...S... And melted ice cream, watch out I don't spew. EEEWWW!!! I...J...S...   

Cleaning up doggie upchuck.  That will literally make me spew. A frequent problem for me as I have 6 inside kids. So, how do I clean it up you ask? Well... I take a ton of paper towels, put it on the upchuck, tap it down lightly with my foot, leave it for an hour or two, (hey, it takes a while for the paper towels to absorb) then grab the corner of the paper towels that is clean, pick it up, hold at arms length, and escort it to the trash. 

Now it's your turn... what makes you go EEEWWW!!!

How we pain the Holy One of Israel - From my personal Bible reading

Welcome back, my beautiful readers...

I hope you don't mind, but this time, I did pull something out at random to talk about. Normally, my thoughts are provoked by a question, or a comment, but this time, they were triggered by something I read in the Bible.

As many of you probably already know, we, as those who want to learn more about Jehovah God and draw closer to him, are encouraged to read the Bible daily. That is how we develop an intimate relationship with our Creator. I do my best to do that, daily. Sometimes my life is busy and I miss a day or two, but when I get the chance, I catch back up and get back on schedule, as was the case today. I had the grand baby over the weekend, and so for the past two days, 'catch-up'.

My personal Bible reading took me to the book of Ezekiel chapter 16. Now mind you, I have an app on my tablet that helps me keep on schedule, and I have been reading the Bible in Chronological order. I am right in the middle of reading about all the profits that Jehovah is sending to the children of Israel, warning them to turn back from their wicked ways, to stop worshiping other gods, and return to their Husbandly owner, Jehovah. Jehovah is about to discipline his people, but not before warning them. And when I started reading this, the first few verses touched my heart... pause... go back and read that again... yep, touching... I actually cried, it was so beautiful.

Starting with verses 3-5, Jehovah describes how Israel first started out -  You must say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says to Jerusalem: “Your origin and your birth were in the land of the Caʹnaan·ite. Your father was an Amʹor·ite,+ and your mother was a Hitʹtite.+  As for your birth, on the day you were born, your umbilical cord was not cut, you were not washed in water to make you clean, you were not rubbed with salt, and you were not wrapped in cloths.  No one pitied you enough to do any of these things. No one had compassion for you. Instead, you were thrown into the open field because you were* hated on the day you were born... Can you just picture it in your mind, an unwanted child? Me, I picture an abandon newborn puppy, but that's just me. :-)

Then with verses 6-7, Jehovah describes in a beautiful way how he first found Israel and took them in, caring for them, raising them, making them grow into a vast nation. “‘“When I was passing by, I saw you kicking about in your own blood, and as you lay there in your blood, I said: ‘Keep living!’ Yes, I said to you lying there in your blood: ‘Keep living!’  I made you a very great multitude, like plants sprouting in the field, and you grew up and developed and wore the finest ornaments. Your breasts became firm, and your hair grew; but you were still naked and exposed.”’... I my mind, I picture them in when they were first in Egypt, multiplying, becoming feared by Pharaoh due to their numbers.
When I read verses 8- 9... I picture the love felt as Jehovah takes this nation, loving it, caring for it, clothing it, and taking possession of it when he says there in the last part of  “and you became mine.” That is just so beautiful to me, so loving.

I see loving concern in verse  Furthermore, I washed you with water and rinsed away your blood and put oil on you.+... kinda like cleaning a wound on a knee when someone slips and falls and skins it.

Now, here comes the 'spoiling' if I may say. Verses10  I then clothed you with an embroidered garment and gave you fine leather* sandals and wrapped you in fine linen, and I clothed you with costly garments. 11  I adorned you with ornaments and put bracelets on your hands and a necklace around your neck. 12  I also put a ring in your nose and earrings on your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. 13  You kept adorning yourself with gold and silver, and your clothing was fine linen, costly material, and an embroidered garment. Fine flour, honey, and oil were what you ate, and you grew to be extremely beautiful,+ and you became fit to be a queen.’”* come on, how cool is that, the finest of clothing, ornament and bracelets, gold and silver, fine flour, honey and oil... and this struck me a royalty... “and you became fit to be a queen.” I don't know about you, but I could be that type of royalty... I...J...S...
Even verse 14 says royalty... 14  “‘Your fame* began to spread among the nations+ because of your beauty, for it was perfect because my own splendor I placed upon you,’+ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.”...

However, and you knew this was coming, here come the sad part. The prostitution! And as I read it, I kept having this feeling of betrayal. Verses 15 -19 ... kinda like re-gifting of the original givers gift - that I had given you” ... “you offered them my oil and my incense” ... “that I gave you to eat” to the enemy. Stabs to the heart!

And really, I can't imagine doing what those people did in verses 20 - 21... Words almost escape me. Actually, I don't even really want to picture this. But I can just imagine how HURT Jehovah God was over this!

Forgetting all the good that was done to them, and forgetting where they came from, how they started as nothing and yet, Jehovah made them great. Yep, they forgot it all. Verse 22. 22  While engaging in all your detestable practices and acts of prostitution, you did not remember the days of your youth when you were naked and exposed, kicking about in your own blood...

And after pointing out all the bad that they had done, verse23  After all your evil, woe, woe to you,’+ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah... this verse, to me, was kinda like Jehovah saying 'REALLY?!?!?!' but again, that's just me.

And of course, enter in the worshiping of other gods, the prostitution again. Verses 24  ‘You built yourself a mound and made a high place for yourself in every public square. 25  You built your high places at the most prominent place of every street, and you turned your beauty into something detestable by offering yourself* to everyone passing by,+and you multiplied your acts of prostitution.+ 26  You prostituted yourself to the sons of Egypt,+ your lustful neighbors,* and you offended me with your countless acts of prostitution...They just had to go and do that!

Enter in the punishment. verse27  Now I will bring my hand against you and diminish your food allowance+ and give you over to the will* of the women who hate you,+ the daughters of the Phi·lisʹtines, who were appalled because of your obscene conduct.+...

Hey, more prostitution. Verses 28 - 29... So, like how bad does it have to get that they could not be satisfied? So much that they increased their prostitution. Honestly, I am having a hard time even picturing this, 'behaving like a brazen prostitute!' ...

Oh look! A free prostitute, one who takes no payment but pays out, and bribes those to come to 'her.' 31  But when you built your mound at the most prominent place of every street and made your high place in every public square, you were not like a prostitute, because you refused any payment. 32  You are an adulterous wife who takes strangers instead of her own husband!+ 33  People give all prostitutes a gift,+ but you are the one who has given gifts to all those lusting after you,+ and you bribe them to come to you from all around to commit prostitution.+ 34  You are the opposite of other women who engage in prostitution. No one commits prostitution your way! You pay others, and they do not pay you. Your way is the opposite.’... Now I don't care who you are, that is just MESSED UP!!!

And here's what's going down... 35  “Therefore, O prostitute,+ hear the word of Jehovah. 36  This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘Because your lust has been poured out and your nakedness has been exposed during your prostitution with your lovers and all your detestable, disgusting idols*+ to which you even sacrificed the blood of your sons,+ 37  therefore I am collecting together all the lovers you have given pleasure to, all those you loved together with all those you hated. I will collect them together against you from all around and expose your nakedness to them, and they will see you completely naked.+...the punishment for the deed. If you can't pay the time, don't do the crime. Hey, you were thinking it to!

This next part to me says 'ya get whatcha deserve' 38  “‘And I will punish you with the judgments that adulteresses+and women shedding blood+ deserve, and your blood will be shed in rage and jealousy.+ 39  I will give you into their hand, and they will tear down your mounds, and your high places will be pulled down;+and they will strip you of your garments+ and take your beautiful jewelry*+ and leave you naked and exposed. 40  They will bring against you a crowd,+ and they will stone you+ and will slaughter you with their swords.+ 41  They will burn your houses with fire+and execute judgment on you before the eyes of many women; and I will bring an end to your prostitution,+ and you will stop giving payment.42  I will satisfy my rage against you,+ and my indignation will turn away from you;+ and I will be calm and no longer feel offended.’... Can you imagine having angered you creator so much that you are given this warning - “your blood will be shed in rage and jealousy?” ... and verse 42... That's heavy! That's sad! That hurts!
There has to be consequences for your actions, and here they are - verse 43...Well, they can't say they weren't warned! And what a warning it was! 

I am glad that I was able to reflect on what Jehovah was trying to tell me. He really loved those people. He found them, took them in, gave them a name and a place to live. Protected them. Cared for them. Everything you would expect a loving parent to do. And what did 'Dad' get in return? A slap in the face. I...J...S... If you are a patent and have ever been treated this way by your children that you love, then you know what it feels like, what Jehovah was feeling. Sad indeed!

But what can we learn from this? What did I learn from this? Although I understand the Israelites had to be punished for behaving worse than a common criminal, I myself cling to the first part of this chapter, in where Jehovah loves his people, cares for them, protects them, and wants to do the same for me, us. We have been given the chance to develop an intimate relationship with our creator, and that my dear readers, is the lead-in for my next blog, where we can learn why we should and how we can have that intimate relationship with our creator, the sovereign of the universe, Jehovah God.

Stay tuned...