My Favorites

It was a good day, bad day!

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Yesterday, well, backup to Friday night. Papa and I planning on heading out into our public ministry Saturday morning. Well... I had been feeling better and better and better. Mind you, it had been months since I'd been out on account of my health failing and failing and failing. Yeah, lets go out into the ministry in the morning.

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Saturday morning, up, coffee and breakfast conquered, but due to circumstances way beyond our control, we were not going to make it on time to the FS meeting. No worries, mate, papa had already prearranged to work with the Carlisle's, so we just drove over to E's house and picked him and Momma Carlisle up. So far so good. Made some return visits, to include trying to find a RV of mamma C's that had moved her business location from the Radcliff area over to E-town inside Peddlers Mall. In the four of us went, Mamma C in the wheelchair.

After that, our next stop, HMH. We often make trips to the hospital. Papa asked me if I was up to it. Yep... wrong answer. That was the straw that broke the camels back. All that walking was just to much on me. I had to sit once and rest before making it to the comfort of my vehicle.

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"Are you up for lunch?" Well... yeah. Ryan's. Papa helped me by getting and carrying my chosen food items. Oh the pain, base of my neck. I got dizzy and had to sit down while he was getting my food for me... like, REALLY ?!?!?! But my day, and the pain, does not stop their. Next, it's back over to Radcliff to the Kingdom Hall to watch the monthly broadcast from Stop and pickup a Bible Student. Oh the pain. Getting  worse. Getting Worse. Getting worse. Yes... Getting Worse!!!

Endured the pain, barely. Papa tried to help, rubbing the pain spots, but, oh the pain. I wanna go home. Take the Bible Student home. Take the Carlisle's home. Now that the vehicle is free of guests, I can take my happy face off, which was leaking tears right there at the end, and just cry. I wanna go home. Papa had other plans, Hall related, but he takes me home. I just wanna die. The pain is so much that even the effort to hold my head up is just to much.

Cancel plans with my daughter and grand daughter. We were gunna have a little bitty Jamberry party. I have plenty of patterns to choose from, plus I purchased the 'mommy and me' patterns. I had been waiting for three weeks to do this. Now, I have to cancel.

Pop a pain pill on the way home, and that says a lot as I am very very very careful how often I take these. Home I am, on the couch I plop, papa heads back out, and I make it til about 9:30 p.m. and text papa that I just can't go on. Heading to bed.  I barely remember him coming home. I tried to ask him how everything went, but, I was just not with it. Papa said my medication probably had me in that state.  The only other thing I really remember is getting up at three am to put the kids in their kennels, as Barkley was outside barking, probably at the Opossum that is living underneath my house and I won't let papa kill, trying to get at the dog food... probably.
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Yeah, it started out great as I was able to finally go out into the Ministry after a long absence, but it turned painful when I tried to do to much... pout. And to top it all off, I missed the meeting today as the pain and dizziness lingers, and though I got up with the intentions of making it to the meeting, I shortly realized that I should stay home. I did get to listen in on the phone line, and the speaker said something that really got my attention, and I wanna do more research on it so that I can blog it tomorrow... I'll give you a hint, the title of his talk was: Is there a True Religion from God's Standpoint?

Online Shopping offered from Kroger! I'm Happy!

"Wow oh Wow. Easiest shopping I've ever done. This is a life saver as my health makes it difficult for me to grocery shop. I was using the electric wheel chairs to ease me through the store, but they are not always available. Now, I can get my shopping done. I am gunna sign my mom up as my son shops for her now, and his time is precious. This will help my mom and my son. And the site is easy to navigate. Easy to find my items. I also like the option to allow/not allow substitutions of items on my list, as some items on my list are non negotiable. I anticipate NO TROUBLES at all for my mom. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Even the Online Order Service Fee, which is $0.00 now, but $4.95 soon, is well worth it! Thanks again. Just another way Kroger has earned my shopping loyalty!"
photo from: wikipedia

That was my review of the Online Shopping from Kroger. Ever since I had heard about it on the news a couple of months ago, I had been looking forward to it. It was like, bam... all my shopping problems solved. I just kept looking forward to it. Waiting. Waiting. Why...???

Photo from: google search results
Well, for quite some time, my health has been failing. I didn't know what was wrong with me. It was just getting harder and harder for me to do things. It was more difficult to exercise, mowing was wearing me out, I had trouble with heavy things, then I would tire out more often, then it would be more painful to go shopping, then the pain would cause me to become dizzy and I was afraid to drive home, so I would wait in the parking lot, sometimes up to an hour, for it to pass, then, the pain got to be so much that I would have to have papa come get me and drive me home, once, he had to have our son bring him to me as I made it half way home and couldn't go no more. Then the pain got so bad that I had trouble pushing a shopping cart. Half way through the store and I couldn't go no more. Call papa again. Then having to admit I needed a wheelchair, only, they're not always available, or batteries charged. So... to avoid the pain, I stopped going shopping. Oh sure, people would offer to help me, but I was so scared to get into pain, that I didn't want to go. Then my health took another dip when I got to where it was getting harder and harder to breath. Exhausting. Then, when I couldn't even walk across the living room without gasping for air and feeling my heart just pounding in my chest, well, maybe I better go to the doctor... ya think???
photo from: wikipedia 

So, the last time I shopped at Kroger, no electric wheelchairs. I waited for one to become available. Nothing. Papa called me and said that if I wanted to start the shopping and couldn't make it through, he'd come get me. It was a small list, so I took a chance and tried it. I DID IT!!! But, oh no, I got the wrong thing, four times, and needed to do a return. So the next day, back into town I go. I park my vehicle over where the online shopper staging area is for order pickup when I see this:

Notice the car under the awning? Yep, they are in business. I asked a waiting customer as I was heading into the store to confirm, and yep, she was waiting on her order. I was so happy to hear it that I took a picture and posted it!!!

photo from: google search results
Now... I feel like I am on the road to recovery, but it is an up and down hill. I don't take pain meds for my back now unless I absolutely have to. And now that I have been diagnosed Anemic and am taking measures to get my hemoglobin levels up and taking Iron supplements, I feel like, for the first time in a long time, almost better. I even went for a short walk today, something I haven't been able to do in a long while. I still have the pain in my back from my degenerative spin disease, but I am trying to work through it, trying to loose 27 unwanted pounds, and trying to except certain limitations. It's all about change. I use to not have pain when I was on an anti-inflammatory, but my regular doctor didn't want me on them anymore as a side affect from the pills can cause bleeding, and ja don't need that if yer anemic.

Which, now that I've said all that, I am getting around to the point about bringing up the Online Shopping service Available from Kroger. I tried it out tonight, from the comfort of my own living room. It was easy to use as it was linked with my Kroger app I use on my tablet when making a shopping list. I selected the items I wanted, proceeded to check out, pick out a pickup time, and bam... done. I tell you what, it sure cut down on impulse shopping. And, and, up until the midnight before the day of the scheduled pickup, you can still add things to the list, which I did... twice.

I am happy. I hope this goes well. I want to sign my mom up for it as well. I used to shop for her, but my health got to bad. My son does it for her, and his time is precious, and I want to help ease the burden on him. I go tomorrow to get my groceries, and while I am there, I am gunna get my mom a Kroger Plus card and help her get sign up online so she can do her shopping, and all my son had to do is drive up to the pickup area, pay, they load, and go.

Taking 8 dogs to the Vet (don't freak out! don't freak out!)

So, yeah, yesterday...

Via text, this was my conversation with my husband,

D. Hey, is it in our budget to take also the 6 house rats over for shot updates? If not, I'll just take the two hounds.
P. How much?
D. 4everybody, probably not more than $250.00. That should include office visit, shots, flea treatment, and anything for the hounds' ears. But that's just a guess. (I was basing this estimate on previous visits.)
P. Guess so.

So, I loaded one more kennel into the vehicle. Loaded up the kids and over to the vet we went. Got there early, weird for me. Got everybody checked in. Antican, Choc, and Squirt first. Then we put
them inside a kennel in the back so I could leave the doors open for the rest of 'em in the vehicle.

Choc and Squirt
Next we took care of the three smaller ones, Data, For Sale and Bentley got shots. Doc just came out to the vehicle for that so we didn't have to try to carry them into the building. Normally, someone helps me carry the kennel with the kids inside.
For Sale

Then it's onto the hounds. Hunter first. She gets an exam cuz it's her first trip to the vet since we rescued her from a life of roaming the countryside emaciated. She's healthy. Of course, she needed additional attention as her ears are bothering her. She needed ear meds.

Hangover (Front)
Barkley (Back)
Hangover next. OMGOODNESS, what a whimp. When Doc sticks him with the needle, he started yiping and carrying on. Doc looks up at me like 'I didn't do anything,' I reassured him with "It's ok, his a big baby." Medicine for his ears as well.

Load everybody up, PAY THE BILL, which, as they are swiping my credit card, I look at the doc and say "That was a... little... bit... more... than I was expecting." He agrees, and reasons that the Flea and Tick treatment alone is over $50 a pop per dog..." (three month treatment, BTW) AGREED!!! Let's head home.

Papa gets home. We exchange NOT SO pleasantries cuz the kids and I have been upset on account of two girls riding horses come through the property and up OUR road like they own the place even after I hollered at them and told them that this is MY property. Yep, they just kept on going up OUR road to the top of OUR hill, like, well... anyway.

So, the point of the story is coming up. I look at papa and says, "Don't freak out, don't freak out, we went to the vet, don't freak out, don't freak out, everybody got checked out, don't freak out, don't freak out, they got their shots, don't freak out, don't freak out, the hounds got their ears looked at, don't freak out, don't freak out, everybody is ok, don't freak out, don't freak out, and I paid the bill, don't freak out, don't freak out, $770.91, don't freak out, don't freak out.


This is for my two Children, Bekah and Michael

It really is a joy when your children do something to make you feel special, loved, thought of... IJS

The other day, I was driving home, not feeling all that well, I went grocery shopping, and I had just went through an intersection where a two vehicle accident had occurred. One vehicle had already been removed, one still sitting in the middle of the intersection, as if to say, "Just look what this stupid driver did to me!"

My phone rings. I see that it's my son. Nice surprise. We don't chat that much on the phone. I answer. "Are you ok? I just heard there was a two car accident and one of the vehicles was a white SUV, and I just had to see if you were ok?" HOW SWEET WAS THAT!!! Yes, I am ok. Really guys, I felt special, loved, thought of.

Then tonight, my daughter calls to chat, and in the course of our conversation, she said that she had came across my blogs that I shared on my FB page, and she started reading my blog on: How Jehovah got my attention, and she said she was enjoying it! First of all, I want to apologize to Bekah, I hadn't realized that I hadn't shared my story with her, with you. Second, I am glad you are enjoying it.

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Really, it is a joy when your children do something to make you feel special, and loved, and thought of. Really.

  Proverbs 25:11 - "Like apples of gold in silver carvings Is a word spoken at the right time."

Proverbs 15:23 - "A man rejoices in giving the right answer, And a word spoken at the right time—how good it is!"

Understanding the Book of Revelation (Response to a question)

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As many of you Bible readers know, the book of Revelation, well, it is a "DEEP" subject. The link below is to a Bible Based publication that helps the reader to get an overview of the book of Revelation, explaining what different sections are teaching. I was trying to get this information out there in as simple a way as possible. Like I mentioned earlier, Revelation is a "DEEP" subject. I hope this is helpful.

The Book of Revelation—What Does it Mean?

Of particular interest to me, was the "Good News" under the subheading: Keys to understanding the book of Revelation. It's not all "Doom and Gloom" as most people have been taught. 

Now, keeping in mind that it's a "DEEP" subject, take your time with the information. Pray and ask for Jehovah God's help to understand it. Meditate on it. Ponder over these things. Yes, it is going to take some time. After all, the mainstream Churches don't teach these things. To them, it is a mystery, to which I have always said, "That's not fair. Don't give us a Book that we have to read so as to save our lives, and then make it a mystery! That's just not right!" The Bible is meant to be understood, as this other magazine,  (You can understand the Bible) explains.

Public Service Announcement to All Families...

Everyone wants peace and harmony in the home. Everyone. What do you think is more realistic for families -

  • trying to avoid disagreements altogether, or 
  • learning how to handle disagreements better?

If you would, please, notice what this Bible proverb says:

Proverbs 26:20Where there is no wood, the fire goes out,
And where there is no slanderer, quarreling ceases.
This magazine, AWAKE! DECEMBER 2015, outlines some practical advice from the Bible to help families have more peace in their household. The topics that will be discussed are as follows:

Parents argue while their children are present

Family Strife—How Does It Happen?

Do the arguments described in this article seem familiar?
A couple sit together and the husband listens as his wife expresses herself

How to Stop Strife in the Home

Follow these six steps to help change the spirit in your home from hostile to tranquil.
A father and son spend time together at a beach

How to Promote Peace in the Family

Can the Bible’s wisdom create peace where it doesn’t exist? See what people who have applied it have to say.
A husband waits impatiently in the car

Dealing With Differences

Have you ever felt that you and your spouse are incompatible?
A right whale

The Whales Are Here!

How can an 80-ton sea creature go sailing?
A grieving couple

The Soul

Is the soul immortal? Is it separate from the body?
A mother talks to her baby

Spotlight on Europe

These recent news items relate to the Bible in ways that might surprise you.

Subject Index for 2015 Awake!

A categorized list of articles published in the 2015 issues.

And as always, I welcome your thoughts! 

A Common Misconception about the Bible

How do YOU feel about the Bible? When I was growing up, I was taught that the Bible was the word of God. I believed it then, I still believe it now, more so now than when I was younger. And yes, there are a lot of misconceptions about the Bible. Perhaps you have heard of some yourself, or you personally have misconceptions concerning the Bible.

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A common misconception about the Bible is that, while most people respect the Bible, they think it's too hard to understand. How do YOU feel about the Bible? Allow me, please, to share a thought from the Bible with you. Romans 15:4 reads: For all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction, so that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.

This magazine, The Watchtower, December 2015, explains how we know that the Bible was written to be understood. It also gives some tips for understanding it. Here are the topics it will be discussing:

Don't forget, if you have any questions, please ask. The answers are out there, to be found within the pages of Jehovah God's word, The Bible. Enjoy...